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Home > NVN User Guide > Navigation
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Navigation Locations

Some navigation elements are different for mobile devices than for desktop computers. We use the term “desktop” loosely to refer to any device with a larger screen. This could be a laptop or even a large tablet. The primary difference is the footer navigation on mobile moves to the top right of the page when viewed on desktop (additional menu items are displayed for desktop).

Mobile Navigation

The mobile Menu bar consists of the following icons and appears at the bottom of the mobile screen: 

   Menu (mobile)





Desktop Navigation

Desktop Navigation bar consists of the following icons and appears at the top of the desktop screen:

  Menu (desktop)







Navigation Items

Navigator Slide-out Menu

The Navigator Slide-out Menu    is the menu that slides out from the left. Use it to:     

  1. Go to your profile, access other areas of the app and logout. 
  2. Add and access quick links.
  3. Access notifications, events, bookmarks, connections, discover, and the support center.
  4. View the community guidelines, terms of use, privacy policy and app version. 
  5. Change your language preference.


The Groups     icon shows the groups you belong to. 

  1. To view a specific group page, tap the name from the list. 
  2. Tap Join to join a new group using a signup code.
  3. Sort the group by Recent or A-Z order. 
  4. Find the group by typing its name in the search bar.


Learn more about Groups.


Click the Newsfeed     icon to view recent posts, updates and announcements coming from the groups you belong to and your connections. Filter the newsfeed in two different ways: Recent and For You by clicking the Sort     icon.


Click the Messages     icon to view and send new messages.

Learn more about Messages.


Click the Discover     icon to find recommendations for People, Groups and Content. To get recommendations, you first need to answer the four Optimize questions in your profile by clicking the green OPTIMIZE button indicated by the red circle 1 below. Change your optimize settings by clicking Optimize above the search bar (2).

Search & Filter

Search the app for groups, people, content and more. You can filter the results by clicking the links below the search bar.


The Notification icon     displays alerts and notifications. Notifications can be accessed from the Navigator menu. On desktop screens, notifications is also in the navigation bar in the top right of the window.

Learn more about Notifications.


View, edit or optimize your profile by clicking the icon with your chosen profile photo. This element appears on the Navigator quick link bar and in the top right navigation bar for desktop/large screens.

Learn more about your Profile.

Quick Links

Expand the quick links bar     to manage your quick links and see more options.

Directly edit or optimize your profile (1). Edit an existing quick link using the 3-dots next to the link (2). With a link you can: Remove Quick Link, Pin to Top (or Unpin if it’s on the top)(3), Replace Quick Link. You can add connections, channels and groups as quick links (4). You can easily add those items directly by viewing the item and using the menu to Add Quick Link.

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